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Takahito Tanaka

Takahito Tanaka


  • B.S. Sociology, Virginia Tech
  • M.A. Sociology, CSU Fullerton
  • M.A. Ethnic Studies, UC Riverside
  • Ph.D. Candidate, Ethnic Studies, UC Riverside


Areas of Interest:

  • Asian American Studies
  • Statistics
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
  • Social Inequality
  • Social Theory
  • Pedagogy in Higher Education

Common Courses Taught: SOCI 303: Statistics for Social Sciences, SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology, SOCI 307: Sociology for Career Success, SOCI 348: Social Movements and Collective Behavior, SOCI 308: Writing for Sociology Students.

Professor Tanaka also teaches at: Orange Coast College, California Indian Nations College, College of the Desert, Mount San Antonio College.

Hobbies: My wife and daughter also attended CSUF, my wife earned her BA in Psychology and my daughter attended the Children's Center on campus as an infant and toddler. We have three dogs: Azuki, Daizu, and Love!