Dana Collins, Ph.D.
Voice: 657-278-5420
Dept: 657-278-3531
2002, Ph.D, University of California, Santa Barbara
1996, M.A. (Honors), University of California, Santa Barbara
1990, B.A (Honors), Sociology and French, Bowling Green State University
Conversational in French
Learner in Spanish
Dana Collins is a professor of sociology at California State University, Fullerton. She has published widely on transnational urban studies and sexualities, including her ethnographic research on a former-sex and current tourist district, Malate, in the City of Manila, the Philippines. Her ethnographic book The Rise and Fall of an Urban Sexual Community: Malate (dis)Placed (2016), is with Palgrave Macmillan and she has a co-edited collection, New directions in feminism and human rights (2011) with Routledge. Her new research, writing, and teaching are in the areas of feminist political ecology, food justice, the making of global crises, wherein she’s teaching a new course called “The Social Life of Food.” She’s completed a novel—The Wash—which grapples with land defenders countering state violence in the Philippines and she’s currently researching Filipino food cultures in Los Angeles.
My other work appears in two of Gender & Society’s special issues—“Gender-Sexuality-State-Nation: Transnational Feminist Analysis” (2005) and “The Reaches of Heteronormativity” (2009)—as well as in Sexualities (2012), Feminist Studies (2012), Feminist Formations (2012), Tourist Studies (2007) and Signs (1999).
My teaching goals are to stimulate interest in critical sociology (which is both a perspective and practice of social change sociology) and global citizenship (or becoming a knowledgeable and engaged citizen of the world). I believe that students are agents who bring to the classroom diverse experiences and knowledges, making the classroom a great place for reflection and action and creating possibilities for change.
Gender/Sexualities/Queer Studies
Critical Globalizations
Postcolonial Theory and Development
Food Justice
Transnational Feminist Activism
Urban Communities
Qualitative Research Epistemologies
SOCI 308 Writing for Sociology Students
SOCI 354 Gender, Sex & Society
SOCI 371 Sociology of City Life
SOCI 403 Queer Communities & Social Change
Book Publications
Collins, Dana. (2016). The Rise and Fall of an Urban Sexual Community: Malate (Dis)placed. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillon.
Collins, Dana; Falcón, Sylvanna; Lodhia, Sharmila; & Talcott, Molly. (Eds.). (2011). New directions in feminism and human rights. London: Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Collins, Dana. (2012). Gay hospitality as desiring labor: Contextualizing transnational sexual labor. Sexualities, 15(5-6), 538-553.
Talcott, Molly & Collins, Dana. (2012). Building a Complex and Emancipatory Unity: Documenting Decolonial Feminist Interventions within the Occupy Movement. Feminist Studies, 38(2), 485-506.
Collins, Dana. (2012). Performing location and dignity in a transnational feminist and queer study of Manila’s gay life. Feminist Formations, 24(1), 49-72.
Collins, Dana & Talcott, Molly. (2011). “A new language that speaks of change just as it steps toward it”: Transnationalism, erotic justice, and queer human rights praxis. Sociology Compass, 5(7), 576-590.
Collins, Dana; Falcón, Sylvanna; Lodhia, Sharmila; & Talcott, Molly. (2010). New directions in feminism and human rights: An introduction. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12(3/4), 298-318.
Collins, Dana. (2009). “We’re there and queer:” Homonormative mobility and lived experience among gay expatriates in Manila. Gender & Society, 23(4), 465-493.
Article reprinted in Spade, J. Z., & Valentine, C. G. (Eds.). (2010). The kaleidoscope of gender: Prisms, patterns, and possibilities (pp. 125-139). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Collins, Dana. (2007). When sex work isn’t “work”: Hospitality, gay life, and the production of desiring labor. Tourist Studies, 7(2), 115-139.
Collins, Dana. (2005). Identity, mobility, and urban place-making: Exploring gay life in Manila. Gender & Society, 19(2), 180-198.
Collins, Dana. (1999). “No experts—guaranteed!”: Do-it-yourself sex radicalism and the production of the lesbian sex zine Brat Attack. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 25(1), 65-89.
Collins, Dana. (1999). Lesbian pornographic production: Creating social/cultural space for subverting representations of sexuality. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 43, 31-62.
Book Chapters and Academic Magazine Publications
Dana Collins. “‘Eat that Nostalgia’: Filipino Foodways and Food Consciousness in L.A.” The paper will appear as a chapter in the edited book Halo-Halo Ecologies to be published by University of Hawai’i Press. Forthcoming in 2023.
Collins, Dana. (2016). Why is gentrification so gay? The Political Anthropologist, November/December issue. London UK.
Collins, Dana. (2016). Gendered sexualities and lived experience: Revisiting the case of gay sexuality in women, culture and development (rewritten chapter for new edition of 2003 book). In K.K. Bhavnani, J. Foran, & P. A. Kurian (Eds.), Feminist futures: Re-imagining women, culture, and development, 2nd edition. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Collins, Dana. (2015). Queering tourism: Exploring queer desire and mobilities in a globalized world. Pp. 117-26 in M. Laing, K. Pilcher & N. Smith (Eds.), Queer Sex Work. New York: Routledge.
Bhavnani, Kum-Kum, Chua, Peter, & Collins, Dana. (2014). Critical Approaches to Qualitative Research. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook on Qualitative Methods (pp. 165-78). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Falcón, Sylvanna, Lodhia, Sharmila, Talcott, Molly, & Collins, Dana. (2014). Teaching outside liberal/imperial discourse: A critical dialogue about antiracist feminism among junior faculty. In P. Chatterjee & S. Maira (Eds.), The imperial university: Race, war and the nation-state (pp. 261-80). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Collins, Dana. (2003). Gendered sexualities and lived experience: The case of gay sexuality in women, culture and development. In K.K. Bhavnani, J. Foran, & P. A. Kurian (Eds.), Feminist futures: Re-imagining women, culture, and development (pp. 117-23). London: Zed Press.
Book Reviews
Collins, Dana. (2009). Respectably queer: Diversity culture in LGBT activist organizations by Jane Ward. Gender & Society, 23(6), 843-844.