Christopher W. Gibson, Ph.D.
Voice: 657-278-2599
Dept: 657-278-3531
2020, Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Irvine
2017, M.A., Sociology, University of California, Irvine
2009, M.A., Global Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
2007, B.A., English: Composition and Literature, California State University, Channel Islands
Proficient in English
Learner of Arabic and Spanish
Christopher Gibson is Associate Professor of Sociology at California State University, Fullerton. He received his doctorate from the Department of Sociology at UC Irvine and he also holds an MA in Global Studies from UC Santa Barbara. His research focuses on the intersection of economic markets and social policy, with special attention to environmental governance. In short, he is interested in asking, in what ways can we best prepare our governance institutions to equitably address the challenges climate change? His research examines water management in California to understand the role of financial markets in shaping policy decisions. He also has work that focuses on blacksmithing and craft labor, as well as, research on ethnicity and immigration in Eastern Europe. Chris has published in journals including Environmental Sociology, Visual Studies, and the International Journal of Comparative Sociology. In his teaching, Chris embraces collaborative learning environments in which students are empowered as co-creators of collective knowledge and understanding of important social issues.
Economic sociology
Political economy
Environmental sociology
Urban sociology
Public policy
SOCI 303 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SOCI 410 Theories of Social Behavior
SOCI 485 Applied Research
SOCI 502B The Research Process
ENST 595T34 Environmental Sociology
Bandelj, Nina and Christopher W. Gibson. 2024. “Economic marginalization of ethnic minorities in Eastern Europe: A cross-national assessment of self-reported experiences.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
Gibson, Christopher W. 2024. “Policy Domains in Water Management: Assessing the Influence of Finance in Environmental Governance.” Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy. 2(2):147-170.
Gibson, Christopher W. 2022. "'How will this affect our credit rating?' Municipal Debt and Governing the Environment." Environmental Sociology. 8(3):362-375
Gibson, Christopher W. 2022. "Cities and the Green New Deal: Addressing the Finacialization of Urban Production." in Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal, edited by K. Tienhaara and J. Robinson. Routledge.
Gibson, Christopher W. 2021. "Financialized Savings in Public Water Governance: An Illustrative Case Study in the Arid American West." Finance & Society. 7(2):94-112
Gibson, Christopher W. 2021. “‘I like working with my hands’: performative and embodied nostalgia among post-industrial blacksmiths.” Visual Studies.
Bandelj, Nina and Christopher W. Gibson. 2020. “Contextualizing Anti-Immigrant Attitudes of East Europeans.” Review of European Studies. 12(3):32-49.
Gibson, Christopher W. 2020. “Financialization of Urban Governance: Thinking Globally about Local Environments.” Global-E
Gibson, Christopher W. 2020. “Determinants of State Spending Patterns in Arab League Member States: A Post-Arab Spring Analysis, 1996–2014.” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society.
Bandelj, Nina and Christopher W. Gibson. 2019. “Relational Work and Consumption.” in Oxford Handbook of Consumption. Vol. 1, edited by F. F. Wherry and I. Woodward. Oxford University Press.