Carter Rakovski, Ph.D.
Voice: 657-278-2742
Dept: 657-278-3531
2004, Ph.D, Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2000, M.S., Statistics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
1998, M.A., Sociology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
1995, B.A., Rollins College
Proficient in English
Conversational in Bulgarian
I am interested in work, intersectional feminism, social media, digital communication technologies, and drug use and policy. I am available to mentor undergraduate and graduate students in the research process, particularly in quantitative methods, content analysis, and my substantive areas of expertise. I am also interested in mentoring students in social justice projects. Prior to joining CSUF, I was a Statistical Programmer at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Senior Statistical Consultant at Bentley University. I am a faculty advisor to CSUF Students for Sensible Drug Policy.
Sociology of work and occupations
Intersectionality and healthcare workers
Employment and health
Drug policy
SOCI 303 Statistics for the Social Sciences
SOCI 325 The American Drug Scene
SOCI 341 Social Interaction
SOCI 502B The Research Process
SOCI 473 Social Behavior and Organizations
Rakovski, C. 2022. “Working the romance: occupational identities in romantic films by gender and race”, Feminist Media Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2022.2050777.
Price-Glynn, K., Rakovski, C. 2019. “Vulnerable Caregivers: A Comparison of Direct Care Workers’ Health Risks in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Private Homes" Research in the Sociology of Health Care (37): 225-238.
Dill, JS, Price-Glynn, K., & Rakovski, C. 2016. “Does the ‘Glass Escalator’ Compensate for the Devaluation of Care Work Occupations: The Careers of Men in Low- and Middle-Skill Health Care Jobs” Gender & Society 30 (2): 334-360. DOI: 10.1177/0891243215624656.
Rutledge, D., Rakovski C., & Zettel-Watson L. “Healthcare Underutilization in Overweight Mexican-Americans with Chronic Pain” Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care 5(4): 123-132.
Jones, J., Rakovski, C., Rutledge D. & Gutierrez A. 2015. “A Comparison of Women With Fibromyalgia Syndrome to Criterion Fitness Standards: A Pilot Study” Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 23: 103-111. DOI: 10.1123/JAPA.2013-0159.
Price-Glynn K, Rakovski C. “The Best of Both Worlds?: How Direct Care Workers Perceive Home Health Agencies and Long-term Care Institutions Identity” in Caring on the Clock: The Complexities and Contradictions of Paid Care Work, editors Mignon Duffy, Clare Stacey and Amy Armenia, Rutgers University Press, forthcoming.
Rakovski C, Price-Glynn K. 2012. “Intersectional Identities and Worker Experiences in Home Health Care: The National Home Health Aide Survey” Research in the Sociology of Healthcare (Special Edition: Issues in Health and Health Care Related to Race/Ethnicity, Immigration, SES and Gender) 30: 261-280.
Price-Glynn K, Rakovski C. 2012. “Who Rides the Glass Escalator?: Gender, Race and Nationality in the National Nursing Assistant Study” Work, Employment, and Society 26(5): 699-715.
Rakovski C, Zettel-Watson L, Rutledge D. 2011. “Association of Employment and Working Conditions with Physical and Mental Health Symptoms for People with Fibromyalgia” Disability and Rehabilitation: An International, Multidisciplinary Journal34(15): 1277-1283.
Zettel-Watson L, Rakovski C, Levine B, Rutledge D, Jones J. 2011. “Employment status and care-giving responsibilities: Quality of life, general health, depression, and physical abilities in people with Fibromyalgia” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 19: 8-17.
Rutledge D, Cherry B, Rose DJ, Rakovski C, Jones J. 2010. “Do Fall Predictors in Older Adults Predict Fall Status in Persons 50+ with Fibromyalgia?” Research in Nursing & Health, 33: 192-206.
Rakovski C, Price-Glynn K. 2010. “Caring Labor and Intersectionality: Findings from the National Nursing Assistants Survey” Sociology of Health and Illness, 32(3): 400-414.
Malgwi C, Rakovski C. 2009. "Combating Academic Fraud: Are Students Reticent about Uncovering the Covert?" Journal of Academic Ethics 7(3): 207-221.
Malgwi C, Rakovski C. 2009. “Behavioral Implications and Evaluation of Academic Fraud Risk Factors” Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1(2): 1-37.
Owhoso V, Rakovski C, Messier B. 2008. “Audit Partners’ Prediction of Subordinates Ability to Detect Errors” Journal of Accounting Research 46(5): 1241-1264.
Rakovski C. and Levy E. 2007. “Academic Dishonesty: Perceptions of Business Students” College Student Journal 41(2): 466-481.
Levy E, Rakovski C. 2006. “Academic Dishonesty: A Zero Tolerance Professor and Student Registration Choices” Research in Higher Education 47(6): 735-754.
Rosen A, Wang F, Montez M, Rakovski C, Berlowitz D, Lucove J. 2005. “Identifying future high-healthcare users: exploring the value of diagnostic and prior utilization information” Disease Management and Health Outcomes 13 (2): 117-127.
Rosen A, Reid R, Broemeling A-M, Rakovski C. 2003. “Applying a Risk-Adjustment Framework to Primary Care: Can We Improve on Existing Measures?” Annals of Family Medicine 1(1):44-51.
Rosen A, Loveland S, Rakovski C, Christiansen C, Berlowitz D. 2003. “Do Different Case-mix Measures Affect Assessments of Provider Efficiency? Lessons from the Department of Veterans Affairs.” Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 26 (3): 229-242.
Rakovski C, Rosen A, Wang F, Berlowitz, D. 2002. “Predicting Elderly at Risk of Increased Future Healthcare Use: How Much Does Diagnostic Information Add to Prior Utilization?” Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology Special Issue: International Conference on Health Policy Research 3(4): 267-277.
Rakovski C, Rosen A, Loveland S, Anderson J, Berlowitz, D, Ash A. 2002. “Evaluation of Diagnosis-Based Risk Adjustment Measures among Specific Subgroups: Can Existing Measures be Improved by Simple Modifications?” Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 3(1): 57-74.
Rosen A, Rakovski C, Loveland S, Christiansen C, Berlowitz D. 2002. “Profiling Resource Use: Do Different Outcomes Affect Assessments of Provider Efficiency? ”The American Journal of Managed Care, 8(12): 1105-1115.
Rosen A, Wu J, Chang BH, Berlowitz D, Rakovski C, Ash A, Moskowitz M. 2001. “Risk Adjustment for Measuring Health Outcomes: an Application in VA Long-term Care” American Journal of Medical Quality 16(4):118-127.
Rosen A, Loveland S, Anderson J, Rothendler J, Hankins C, Rakovski C, Moskowitz M, Berlowitz D. 2001. “Evaluating Diagnosis-Based Case-mix Measures: How well do they Apply to the VA Population?” Medical Care39(7):692-704.
Works in Progress
“Fitness Performance of Older Women with Fibromyalgia Compared to Criterion-Referenced Standards Associated with Functional Independence” Jones, J.,Rakovski, C., Rutledge, D. & Gutierrez, A. Under Review.
“Is there a penalty for caring? Career trajectories of men in caring occupations versus traditionally male-dominated occupations” J. Dill, C. Rakovski, & K. Price-Glynn, work in progress.
“Working the Romance: Gender and Occupations in Romantic Films” C. Rakovski,work in progress.
“Moral Panics in TV Drug Documentaries” C. Rakovski & J.S. Taylor, work in progress.